Ripples Mosaic 2011

This mosaic was commissioned by the Rural City of Murray Bridge and is located at the Civic Centre on Seventh Avenue, Murray Bridge.

I worked with artist Lena Rigney, and consultated Ngarrindjeri Elders, to develop the designs which show the story of Ngurunderi, the great ancestral creator of the Ngarrindjeri.

The artwork fits into what was once a water fountain, and shows Pondi (Murray Cod) forging a path through the landscape (thereby creating the Murray River) watched over by Ngurunderi. The sculpture of Pondi is a ferro-cement structure covered by hand-cut glazed ceramic tiles.

The nine circular panels illustrate events within the Ngurunderi story and I worked with a diverse range of community participants to make them, including inmates from Mobilong Prison. The mosaic components are all hand-cut glazed ceramic tiles.

The work was started in March 2011 and completed in July 2011.