Coonalpyn Mosaic 2016

This mosaic was commissioned by the Coorong District Council and is part of the multi-award winning 'Creating Coonalyn' suite of projects in Coonalpyn, South Australia.

I mentored local artist, Marcia Camac, and we worked on the design during July 2016. A dedicated team of about 27 local volunteers began cutting tiles in August 2016 and spent 3,000 hours between then and November 2017 making the mosaic. It was a great pleasure returning to Coonalpyn from time to time, checking on progress and helping out where needed. We installed the mosaic in November 2017 and it took 5 days (a few of them very hot!) to complete the installation.

Many more people now stop in Coonalpyn to look at the painted silos, the mosaic, and other artworks. The effort put in by all involved has helped keep Coonalpyn on the map. Since the completion of this mosaic, Marcia and others have taken on other mosaic projects in Coonalpyn.